Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bear-y Fun and More!

We learned about BEARS!

Look at our BEAR-Y FUN activities!


Where did Corduroy find his button?
Working on our color words in a bear-y fun way.

Practicing even and odd numbers 1 - 10.

Bear-y tasty patterns made from food that represents what bears eat.

Brown Bear Build It, Read It, and Write It activity.

After reading this book, the students will taste 3 different types of jam and graph the results.
We listened for ending sounds using the characters from the book, Brown Bear.

We made these cute bears using small, medium, and large circles.  We cut the medium circle in half to make ears.

For cooking, we made bear biscuits.  Yummy!

We read lots of fiction and non-fiction books about bears then we compared bears using a Venn diagram.

We are practicing our tallying!
Most of these activities can be found here:


Saturday, September 15, 2012


This week was all about FALL FUN!
The students marble painted using fall colors.  When the paint dried they cut out their leaves.  You can see our fall tree in the next picture.

We read several non-fiction books about squirrels.  The students picked and read the card to decide if the card should be glued inside or outside of the circle map.  We also learned about deciduous trees and evergreens. The students loved to say the word DECIDUOUS - so much fun using BIG words!

We conducted an experiment to see how veins work in plants.  The students recorded their results!

More fall leaves!

This isn't a fall activity, but I had to take a picture of my froggy friends working hard to build and read this week's popcorn words.  "FROG"TASTIC!!!

I LOVE, LOVE LOVE pocket charts and so does the class.  It makes reading FUN!

Click here to download my

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zero My Hero FREEBIE

Who doesn't like this cute little guy?!
Zero the Hero is coming soon to celebrate DAY 20!
My students just LOVE this little fellow!
He visits every 10 days and brings us a treat that is round like a zero.
Here are a few things I do with the help of Zero My Hero!

We make a book page every 10 days.  This idea comes from KinderLit.
Zero the Hero Number Book
Zero the Hero Number Scroll

Zero the Hero Puppet

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Open House is next week!
Thought I'd share what the K Team is giving the students.

Thanks for 'BOUNCING' by!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chicka Chicka FUN!

This week the students enjoyed a week of CHICKA CHICKA FUN!
The students painted CHICKA TREES added a AABB border pattern and then added coconut names.  We compared long names and short names.
Painting Chicka Trees!
Gluing letters on coconuts
Playing Coconut Sounds

Working on putting letters in ABC order.  This was quite a challenge!

Is the coconut left or right?

Counting Coconuts!
We sorted vowels and consonants!

We made a class book about our names!

We found the vowels and consonants in our names!

We substituted sounds to make new words!
 We used this equipment to report about our coconut.
WOW! A coconut floats!

 We completed our CHICKA FUN eating this!  The recipe can be found at Making Learning Fun.

We watched this video!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Short Week and a FREEBIE!

It was a short week at school due to Hurricane Isaac but we did manage to enjoy FROGGY FUN DAY.  Here's a peek of some froggy fun.

You can find this frog face pattern at Making Learning Fun.
Our froggy fun ended with the eating of these cute froggy cupcakes and drinking bug juice while watching this frog video created by a former school student.

 The students are learning a reading strategy - singing sounds!
Here's how it works:
Start with  c - sing /c/.

Add a - sing /ca/.
Add t - sing /cat/.  What do you hear? Cat!
 Here's a freebie to get you started.  There are 5 CVC build and sing cards.  There are 5 simple sentences, too.  After the students practice singing the sounds, they can practice reading the words in these 5 sentences.  (Graphics by KPM Doodles.)