Thursday, June 28, 2012


DAY 3:  Incline Plane/Ramp

Station 1 - Journals

Station 2:  Block Heads
We are using friction to smooth the block's rough edges.

After the students smoothed all the edges, they painted the blocks.

Station 3:  Building Ramps & Racing Cars

Art:  Marble Painting
The students tilted the box (incline plane) to create a beautiful work of art.

DAY 4: Levers
Station 1 - Journals

Station 2 - Block Heads
Meet the BLOCK HEADS!!!

Aren't they cute?!

Station 3 - Paper Plate Spirals
The students used scissors (lever & wedge) to create spirals (incline plane).

Cooking - Pancakes
We used a spatula (lever) to flip our pancake!

We brushed butter on our pancake using another lever.  We used a wedge (fork) to eat our pancake.  WOW!  Simple machines are everywhere!

Learning how hydraulics work!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


DAY 1:  Wedge

Station 1 - Journals
Each day the students will review the simple machine focus from the day before.  Since this is day one, the students worked on the cover of their journal.
Station 2 - Build a Boat
The students learned how the bow of a boat acts like a wedge in the water.

Hammering pegs.

Painting the boats.

Look at the boats go!

Station 3 - Toothpick Sculptures
The students discovered that the ends of toothpicks are wedges. 

The students built structures using toothpicks, gumdrops, and marshmallows.

Cooking - Cinnamon Toast
The students followed the directions to make cinnamon toast.

Spreading butter.

Sprinkling cinnamon-sugar.

Waiting for the toaster!

Guess what?!  A knife is a wedge!!!

DAY 2: Wheels & Gears

Station 1 - Journals
The students drew and labeled wedges. Some even wrote sentences! Woohoo!

Station 2 - Build a Car
How many wheels does a car have?  How many axles?

Will it roll?

Adding a roof.

Adding some finishing details.

Station 3 - Pinwheels
We discovered that a pinwheel is a wheel and axle!

Trying out the pinwheel using a fan, which is also a wheel and axle.


Cutting!  Scissors are simple machines, too!

 Cooking - Pudding
The students used an eggbeater (wheels & gears) to make pudding.

We followed directions.

Yucky, but soon to be yummy!

Taking turns to mix the pudding.

Making bubbles using an eggbeater!

Having fun with pulleys!

Marble fun!

Taking apart broken items.  Can it be fixed???